Health advice, 24/7: Call 8-1-1
Access safe, high-quality care and avoid unnecessary visits to the emergency room. This service is an easy way to get connected to care you or your loved ones need, but it does not replace your other touch point with your health care provider. In a medical emergency call 911 immediately.
What is Health Connect Ontario (Health811)?
Health Connect Ontario (Health811) replaced Telehealth Ontario in April 2022. It is free and available 24/7, online and by phone. Call 8-1-1.
It is an easy way to get health care advice when your own care providers are not available after hours. The nurse can help you decide your best first step, such as care for yourself, make an appointment with your doctor, go to a clinic, contact a community service or go to the hospital.
It does not replace your family physician. In a medical emergency, call 911 immediately.
How does Health Connect Ontario (Health811) work?
You have the option to complete “Check Your Symptoms” to help Health Connect Ontario staff better understand your situation, learn about your symptoms and provide advice to you.
When you click “Chat with Us” link, you can chat online with a Health Care Navigator who can help you connect with a qualified health professional to answer your health-related questions or concerns. At any time during the chat, you can enter your phone number for a call back.
Or you can call “811” (TTY: 1-866-797-0007) and speak with someone directly who will direct you to the best health professional once they understand your issues or concerns.
When should I use Health Connect Ontario (Health811)?
When you have a general health question and not sure what to do, access Health Connect Ontario (Health811) online or by phone. Connecting with Health Connect Ontario will give you confidential advice about concerns including:
- Symptoms that could require medical attention;
- Illness or injury;
- Chronic illnesses;
- Nutrition and healthy lifestyles;
- Teen health and lifestyle issues;
- Mental health concerns;
- Breastfeeding support.
Health Connect Ontario (Health811) is also available when you need to find health services, such as finding a new family doctor near you.
You can also search an online medical library to learn more about medical terms or conditions when you visit Health Connect Ontario.