Sunset Country FHT is committed to providing high quality service to all our patients. We encourage patients or their families who have complaints or concerns to follow the procedure described in this policy. This feedback is important to the SCFHT as it provides our team with the critical information regarding the health care service and delivery we are providing and tells us what is working and what we need to improve upon.
SCFHT treats all complaints or any expression of dissatisfaction regarding our health care service seriously. We are regularly reviewing our policies and procedures so that we can continuously improve as a health care team.
This policy is tended to support a safe and healthy environment for all; improve patient and family satisfaction; enhance team work and collaboration within the SCFHT.
SCFHT will treat all complaints seriously; will deal with complaints promptly; will ensure patients and families are treated with courtesy and fairness at all times; ensure that all complaints received are dealt with confidentially and in accordance with applicable privacy legislation; will log and file all complaints received so that we can monitor the types of complaints that have been brought to our attention as well as what action we took to resolve the complaints.
Board members do not generally have direct contact with patients. Where a patient or family makes direct contact with a Board member for assistance in the resolution of specific service issues, the Board member should refer the patient or family to the Executive Director. A Board member may not interfere in the handling of a specific case by approaching individual SCFHT staff members
Most concerns can be resolved quickly by talking with the staff involved. We ask patients and their families who have problems, complaints or concerns to follow the procedure described below. These steps ensure patients first seek assistance from the staff members who are most familiar with their care, and who can provide additional options if needed. If you have difficulty explaining what is troubling you or if you feel that not enough is being done about your concern or complaint, you can contact the SCFHT Executive Director.
How to make a complaint
You can make a complaint in a number of ways:
By telephone:
(807) 468-6321 or (807)468-4810 (Executive Director)By email:
info@kfht.ca or cneil@kfht.caIn writing:
Sunset Country FHT, Attention: Executive Director
1-35 Wolsley Street, Kenora ON P9N0H8,By fax:
(807) 468-3978
The stages of the complaints procedure
Step 1
Receipt of your complaint will be acknowledged in writing within 5-7 business days of receipt of the complaint by the SCFHT
Step 2
The situation with which you are dissatisfied with will be investigated by the SCFHT Executive Director and/or staff involved, and findings will be communicated back to you within four weeks, unless otherwise notified.
We aim to respond to all complaints within the timelines above; however, if a complaint is complex, it may be necessary to extend the timelines indicated in this policy.
If this is the case, we will keep the complainant informed of the progress with the investigation, the reasons for the delay, and inform them of the new deadline for communicating findings back to the complainant.
When we get things wrong we will act to accept responsibility; explain what went wrong and why; and, make any changes required to prevent future difficulties/situations of a similar kind, either for the complainant or others so it doesn’t happen again.
Other action that may be necessary would include a sincere and meaningful apology, revision of policy, procedure and or process and training or supervising staff, as necessary.
Challenging Complaints/Dispute Resolution
Any concerns about the management of a complaint should be conveyed immediately to the Executive Director. The Executive Director may inform the Board about action taken on the complaint. Service providers shall initially respond to patient or family complaints about the nature or quality of services provided. The patient or family shall be provided with an opportunity to appeal their decisions to the Executive Director. At the discretion of the Board, the patient or family may also be provided with an opportunity to appeal a decision of the Executive Director to the Board. The Board, in reviewing such appeals, shall establish a small ad hoc committee from amongst its members to hear the patient or family and review the matter. Members of this committee shall adhere to the Oath of Confidentiality. They may not overturn staff decisions, but may make recommendations to the Executive Director on the matter and may recommend policy amendments to the Board