Lactation Consultation Services
The SCFHT International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) provides expectant and new parents with education and support for healthy infant feeding including breastfeeding, bottle feeding, or a combination.
We understand that breastfeeding may present itself as a challenge, especially early on, but there are things we can do to help increase your abilities and confidence.
What our program can help with:
- Healthy infant feeding support and education for all new parents
- Pre-natal support and education
Services & Supports:
- Support for breastfeeding parents
eg.) trouble latching, pain during and/or after feeding, sore nipples, poor weight gain, unusually fussy baby, short feedings, and pumping issues
- Support for bottle feeding parents
eg.) poor weight gain, unusually fussy baby, short feedings, exclusively pumping, supplementing feeding, and bottle feeding issues
- Provide assessment and support for babies with suspected tongue or lip tie or other feeding difficulties
- Virtual and phone supports available
This Program is for:
- These services are available for all expectant and new parents
- For patients with or without a primary care provider
- Patients may self-refer, or be referred
We urge parents having any issues, or with any questions or concerns, to call us at (807) 468-6321, or book an appointment online.